January 14, 2025
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Did Lack of Legalization Doom Hillary?

Hillary Clinton and the democrats are searching for reasons for their devastating loss. Was it FBI Director James Comey they ask? Was it the steady drip of WikiLeaks they wonder? It just may be that Hillary’s non-committal and suspicious views and statements about marijuana doomed her. Had she come out […]

Quick Hits: One-in-Eight Adults Smoke Pot

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A new Gallup poll finds that over one in eight American adults are current marijuana smokers. The poll found that 13 percent of adults admit to being current cannabis consumers, up from 7 percent who admitted that just three years ago. That means there are currently 33 […]

Like A Virgin: The Next President Has Never Tried Marijuana

“Are you experienced?” Jimi Hendrix For the first time in decades, the next US President will have no personal experience with marijuana. Neither Hillary nor The Donald have known the relaxing, yet stimulating, sensation of a cannabis “high.” Or so they say. If so, they are poorer for the lack […]

You Want A Third-Party President? Here’s How!

Range Voting

Since I have dropped my #BernieOrBust stand to support Hillary Clinton for president, I’ve has to deal with so many people urging me to vote for the Green’s Jill Stein or the Libertarian’s Gary Johnson. I think Dan Savage has the best take on the quadrennial third party distraction, but […]

Leafly Presents Ron Funches Tonight in Portland for Free!


RSVP for FREE tickets to see Ron Funches tonight in Portland! Comedian Ron Funches cut his comedic chops in the Portland, Oregon, comedy scene before moving to Los Angeles and promptly blowing up. He landed a gig in the comedy sitcom Undateable and he has been one of the funniest […]

Quick Hits: Democrats Embrace Legalization

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania – The Democrats have become the first major political party in the United States to endorse “a reasoned pathway for future [marijuana] legalization” in their party platform at their convention in Philadelphia. The platform plank, fought for by supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders, calls for the removal of […]

Debbie Be Gone: Wasserman Schultz Forced Out At DNC

Devisive Debbie Wasserman Schultz has finally resigned as Democratic National Committee chief. Followers of MarijuanaPolitics.com may have read this writer’s several posts criticizing Schultz as unfit for DNC chief or as a Democratic Representative to Congress. Her resignation will go a long ways in helping to unify the Democratic Party for the […]

Utah, Gary Johnson, and President Mike Pence

Liberal firebrand Michael Moore has written an incredible essay on why Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. It is an expansion on a riff he delivered recently on Bill Maher’s HBO program, about what Moore calls “the Rust-Belt Brexit”. I believe Trump is going to […]

Tim Kaine is a Marijuana Pain: Hillary’s Prohibitionist VP Pick

Hillary Clinton’s disdain for marijuana law reform is apparent in her choice for Vice President, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine. Just like Barack Obama’s marijuana-hating Joe Biden, she has chosen a cannabis prohibitionist for second in command. For many MarijuanaPolitics.com readers, a politician’s votes and actions on cannabis legislation, medical use […]

AUMA, Unlike Hillary, Actually Supports Marijuana Legalization

AUMA Hillary

My friend Leland Berger has penned an essay on this fine site entitled “AUMA is the Hillary of United States Cannabis Legalization Initiatives“. He makes very astute points about the Adult Use of Marijuana Act – California’s marijuana legalization initiative – including how it is just as good or better than the […]

Freeing Up Florida: Three Important Cannabis Votes Coming Soon

In upcoming elections, Florida contests for US senator, US Representative, and a medical marijuana initiative will help decide the legal future of cannabis both statewide and nationwide. Senate Race He’s baaaack! “Little” Mario Rubio will be running for senate reelection after all. This prohibitionist Republican used his first Senate term […]

Feel The Johnson: Getting Gary (and Marijuana) Into The Presidential Debates!

Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson adds a clear and sensible alternative to the 2016 election. Should he qualify for the the Presidential Debates, he will bring cannabis reform to the national stage. Governor Johnson will argue for winding down the drug war, ending marijuana prohibition, achieving smaller government, and pursuing a […]

The California Primaries, Candidates and their Marijuana Positions

california primaries 2016 candidates marijuana positions

With the California Primaries just four days away, many participants and enthusiasts in the cannabis space are looking to the five remaining presidential candidates (or three, depending on your perspective) to see what are their Marijuana positions and who would be their greatest ally. It’s a difficult question to answer, […]

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Debate?

In this historical election cycle where the impossible becomes possible, Donald J Trump and Bernie Sanders look like they might be debating each other in California before the June 7 primaries there. Sanders had already accepted Fox’s proposal to debate Hillary Clinton, but after Clinton declined the invitation, Trump said […]

Everybody Bern! Bernie Sanders Rolling Papers

Bernie Sanders Rolling Papers

Despite the political establishment and mainstream pundits calling for Bernie Sanders to drop out of his race against Hillary Clinton, Bernie, and millions of supporters, are still fighting for the political revolution. Propelled by an upset victory in Indiana, Bernie Sanders, now sensing momentum behind his insurgent campaign, proclaimed, “I think […]

Obama Jokes About Getting High at White House Correspondents’ Dinner [VIDEO]

Obama White House Correspondents Dinner 2016

Sign of the times: President Barack Obama made a joke about his marijuana use at last night’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner. The glitzy annual hobnobby event featuring journalists, celebrities, and high-ranking politicians saw its expected share of Donald Trump jokes (even though the Republican presidential front-runner wasn’t in the audience […]

Too Little Too Late? Bernie Sanders Hints at Elizabeth Warren as VP.


I’ve been a huge supporter for Bernie Sanders’ political revolution as his call to end federal cannabis prohibition, reform the Drug War and tackle civil rights abuses have been far and away the best of any mainstream candidate, especially after Republican Rand Paul dropped out of the race. Hillary Clinton, evolving […]

Thanks for Endorsing Bernie Sanders, Senator Jeff Merkley!

Jeff Merkley, the first United States Senator to back a marijuana legalization measure announced his endorsement for Bernie Sanders, the only Democratic candidate advocating to end the federal war on the cannabis community. Senator Merkley, one of the most progressive United States senators, has plenty of reasons for backing Senator […]

Bernie Sanders Political Revolution Takes Wyoming, New York Up Next


The Bernie Sanders political revolution rolled through Wyoming, marking 8 victories out of the last 9 contests for Sanders over Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton. Senator Sanders earned 56% of the vote in the closed Wyoming caucu while Clinton won 44%. The all-important New York primary is next, with both candidates […]

Almost Isn’t Good Enough, Bill Clinton Should Apologize

Bill Clinton Mad

Former President Bill Clinton shocked a lot of political observers with his response to Black Lives Matter activists protesting his 1994 crime bill and the inflammatory language Hillary Clinton used to promote the bill. Clinton not only defended his bill, but his wife’s statements about “superpredators” that we needed to […]

Bill Clinton Wrong to Double Down on Racist Language


The political debate around Bill Clinton’s 1994 Crime Bill is rather complicated complicated as Hillary Clinton championed the bill but Bernie Sanders voted for the legislation, so he can’t get a free pass. Sanders does note that he criticized parts of the bill and ultimately voted for the bill because […]

Bernie Sanders Political Revolution Rolls Through Wisconsin, Onto Wyoming


It was apparent that the Bernie Sanders political revolution was surging in Wisconsin as the anti-establishment challenger was clearly climbing in the polls. However, no poll had Senator Sanders winning by more than 10 points, but he cruised to a clear double digit victory against Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front-runner. […]

Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandal is About Lack of Transparency

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton’s ongoing private email server scandal is not an engineered right-wing smear. Even though Bernie Sanders hasn’t made Clinton’s server and corresponding ethical questions an issue during his anti-establishment campaign, that doesn’t mean that Clinton’s server and lack of transparency isn’t a legitimate issue to the American people. We […]

Protesters Follow Through with White House Smoke-Out

Joint at the White House

Following through with a protest that has split the cannabis law reform movement, activists marched in Washington, D.C., and, in an act of civil disobedience, smoked marijuana in front of the White House. The smoke-out was supposed to start at 4:20pm Eastern Time, but according to Twitter, protesters may have […]

Adding to his Legacy, President Obama Commutes 61 Drug Sentences, More to Come

President Obama NAACP

President Obama added to his criminal justice reform legacy by commuting the sentences of 61 federal drug offenders, bringing his total number of commutations to 248, more than the previous 6 presidents combines. Criminal justice policy reformers had high hopes upon President Obama, with many backing him over Hillary Clinton in […]

Democrats Could Dump Debbie This Primary!

Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz could be dumped in the August 30 primary! Schultz’s failings as a Democratic congressperson are huge. Supposedly a progressive, she instead opposes medical marijuana and joins corporate Republicans to support the predatory payday loan industry. Her neo-con, prohibitionist, and money grubbing politics belie her “progressive” […]

SAM Oregon Insults Medical Marijuana Patients

Cannabis activists protest at The Oregonian

The Oregon chapter of the prohibitionist group Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) claimed that “their [sic] is no such thing as ‘Medical’ Marijuana” in a March 25th Facebook post, insulting all of the patients that legitimately use marijuana as medicine. There are a few false statements in the Facebook posts, […]

Bernie Sanders Path to Victory

Bernie Sanders Birdiecrats

A Little Birdie Told Me The Bernie Sanders Path to the Nomination With another set of wins in the western states of Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii, Senator Bernie Sanders has chipped away at Secretary Hillary Clinton’s delegate lead for the Democratic Presidential Nomination. However, the math in the remaining states makes […]

Did Jimmy Kimmel Show Hillary Clinton Further Evolving on Marijuana?

Hillary Clinton on Jimmy Kimmel

The racist Drug War, especially the war waged upon the cannabis community, is clearly losing support from the American people. The success of the cannabis law reform movement is evident at the ballot box, public polls and the 2016 presidential election, especially on the Democratic side. On the Republican, side […]

Bernie Sanders Wins 95% of Country Committees, Defeating Hillary Clinton 69% to 31% Among Democrats Abroad

Bernie Sanders

Democrats abroad voted in record numbers with a turnout more than 50% above 2008, giving Bernie Sanders a much-needed victory over Hillary Clinton heading into Tuesday’s elections in Utah, Idaho and Arizona. Democratic front-runner Clinton has pushed her lead to more than 300 pledged delegates and the anti-establishment Sanders needs to […]

Chicago Activists Celebrate Defeat of Anita Alvarez, Prosecutor Soft on Police Killings


During the latest Super Tuesday, black Chicago activists flew banners across the city skyline criticizing Mayor Rahm Emanuel and State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez for their shameful response to the police killing of 17 year-old Laquan McDonald. The banners read: “Chicago Stands with Laquan, Hillary Stands with Rahm— #ByeAnita #ByeRahm” as the […]

Black Chicago Activists Fly ‘Chicago Stands with Laquan, Hillary Stands with Rahm’ Banners Across Windy City’s Skyline

Activists ly banner over chicago

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a Hillary Clinton supporter, has become so toxic that he has had to stay away from the Democratic front-runner while Bernie Sanders has run anti-Emanuel ads tying Clinton and the embattled mayor together. Mayor Emanuel has come under fire particularly for the police shooting of Laquan McDonald […]

Ending the Machinery of Death, Another Needed Criminal Justice Reform


“I no longer shall tinker with the machinery of death,” Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun wrote in a 1994 dissent where he declared, “the death penalty experiment has failed.” More than 150 death row inmates have been exonerated by evidence of innocence since 1973. A recent study has examined exonerations […]

Platforming for a Plant in Calhoun County, Iowa

Democrats for both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton met Saturday, March 12th for the Calhoun County Convention. The result of the convention was two delegates for each presidential candidate to advance onto the state convention. The Calhoun County Democratic Convention also did a fun activity called platforming. It is where Democrats throw […]

Make No Mistake: Hillary Clinton is a Drug Warrior

Hillary Clinton’s record on the War on Drugs sets her apart from other the other candidates – and not in a good way. From her criminal justice agenda as First Lady to her foreign policies as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has proven herself to be one of the greatest […]

The Seattle Times Endorses Bernie Sanders for President, Misses Opportunity to Mention Marijuana


The Seattle Times should be commended for being one of the few mainstream media outlets to endorse Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination. Most establishment media members have, not surprisingly, endorsed Hillary Clinton, the favored choice of the Democratic establishment. The Seattle Times, bucking the trend wrote: Authenticity and […]

Bern One: Dispatch from the Colorado Caucus on Super Tuesday

Colorado Caucus 2016-2

Colorado Berned one tonight. The results are still coming in, but his lead is so strong that the networks were calling it for him as we were walking out of the caucus location, Byers Middle School, just west of ritzy Washington Park. The energy tonight was palpable, and the Sanders […]

Robert Reich: “Baloney” that Hillary Clinton is Nominee After Super Tuesday


Robert Reich Bill Clinton’s Labor Secretary made political waves by endorsing Bernie Sanders last week, despite deep ties with the Clinton family, which even includes a date with the future Democratic front-runner during college. Professor Reich, who taught economics for Harvard before moving onto the University of California, Berkeley, has […]

Rising Democratic Star Tulsi Gabbard is Progressive on Marijuana


Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard sent shockwaves through the political landscape by resigning as vice chair of the Democratic National Committee to endorse Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for president. DNC officials must remain neutral, so Gabbard had to resign to make an endorsement. Supporters of Bernie Sanders have often complained that the […]