Congressman Earl Blumenauer’s Cannabis Fund political action committee is up and accepting donations. This is a great opportunity to directly fund messages and candidates against cannabigots and marijuana prohibitionists. The photo shows an early project targeting anti-marijuana, anti-veteran congressman Pete Sessions. Such messages should appear on a massive scale. But, up until now, no link for donating existed.
Earl Blumenauer is perhaps the greatest friend in congress of medical cannabis users, marijuana entrepreneurs, and all freedom fighters. He is a founding member of the congressional Cannabis Caucus and a frequent speaker at cannabis business and health conferences.
The Oregon congressman’s recent announcement of the PAC was widely publicised. Portland’s KOIN television announced,
Blumenauer to use PAC to target anti-pot legislators
Cannabis Fund to target those who oppose reforming marijuana laws
Nowhere in any announcement, though, was a link to actually donate money to the PAC. This link is now available:
The Cannabis Fund PAC home is here and the donation page here.
The Cannabis Fund can become a powerful voice for everyone fighting for cannabis rights. Please contribute.