February 5, 2025
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Platforming for a Plant in Calhoun County, Iowa

Democrats for both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton met Saturday, March 12th for the Calhoun County Convention. The result of the convention was two delegates for each presidential candidate to advance onto the state convention. The Calhoun County Democratic Convention also did a fun activity called platforming. It is where Democrats throw […]

Make No Mistake: Hillary Clinton is a Drug Warrior

Hillary Clinton’s record on the War on Drugs sets her apart from other the other candidates – and not in a good way. From her criminal justice agenda as First Lady to her foreign policies as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has proven herself to be one of the greatest […]

The Seattle Times Endorses Bernie Sanders for President, Misses Opportunity to Mention Marijuana


The Seattle Times should be commended for being one of the few mainstream media outlets to endorse Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination. Most establishment media members have, not surprisingly, endorsed Hillary Clinton, the favored choice of the Democratic establishment. The Seattle Times, bucking the trend wrote: Authenticity and […]

DNC’s Debbie Wasserman Schultz Is Damaging Vital Democratic Turnout


The Democratic National Committee chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz is responsible for getting out the Democratic vote; she is failing terribly. Voter turnout in the 2016 elections will be key. So far in the primaries, Republican turnout has been huge; Democratic turnout has been hideous. See, “Here’s Just How Massive Republicans’ […]

Bern One: Dispatch from the Colorado Caucus on Super Tuesday

Colorado Caucus 2016-2

Colorado Berned one tonight. The results are still coming in, but his lead is so strong that the networks were calling it for him as we were walking out of the caucus location, Byers Middle School, just west of ritzy Washington Park. The energy tonight was palpable, and the Sanders […]

Robert Reich: “Baloney” that Hillary Clinton is Nominee After Super Tuesday


Robert Reich Bill Clinton’s Labor Secretary made political waves by endorsing Bernie Sanders last week, despite deep ties with the Clinton family, which even includes a date with the future Democratic front-runner during college. Professor Reich, who taught economics for Harvard before moving onto the University of California, Berkeley, has […]

Rising Democratic Star Tulsi Gabbard is Progressive on Marijuana


Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard sent shockwaves through the political landscape by resigning as vice chair of the Democratic National Committee to endorse Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for president. DNC officials must remain neutral, so Gabbard had to resign to make an endorsement. Supporters of Bernie Sanders have often complained that the […]

Apologies Aside, Bernie Sanders has a Better Policy than Hillary Clinton to End Mass Incarceration

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton’s contribution to our era of mass incarceration has garnered increased media attention after Black Lives Matter protester Ashley Williams asked Clinton for an apology during a fundraiser in South Carolina. Criminal justice reform has been a big issue between the Democratic front-runner and challenger Bernie Sanders throughout the […]

Vermont Senate Votes in Favor of Marijuana Legalization 16-13

Girl Scout cookie marijuana cannabis

Vermont moved one step closer to becoming the first state to legalize marijuana through the legislative process as the state Senate voted 16-13 in favor of S. 241, a bill that would end state cannabis prohibition. This is a preliminary vote by the Vermont Senate as the legalization proposal requires […]

Eric Holder Wrongly Thinks that the Drug War is Over

private prison

Somehow former Attorney General Eric Holder, the first African American to hold the position, stated in an interview with Frontline that he thinks that the Drug War is over. I’m guessing that the Drug War doesn’t seem over to the nonviolent citizens still in prison for marijuana and other substances, […]

After Portland and San Francisco, ICBC Takes on Vancouver and Berlin


After successful conferences on the West Coast, the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) is heading across the border, first to Vancouver, Canada, on October 13 & 14 of this year and then April 11-12, 2017, in Berlin, Germany. Sandwiched between the two international events will be another San Francisco, California, conference […]

Hillary Clinton Reaffirms Baby Steps Forward on Cannabis

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton reaffirmed her commitment to continue President Barack Obama’s policy of allowing states to move forward with their own cannabis laws and her support for moving marijuana from a Schedule I controlled substance to Schedule II in an interview with Nevada Public Radio. While the Democratic front-runner wouldn’t move […]

Bernie and Hillary Tied in Nevada, Could Marijuana Tip the Scales?


Two recent polls have shown a big surge by Bernie Sanders, turning the Nevada caucus on Saturday into a dead heat. In such a close race, is it possible that marijuana legalization supporters could tip the scales in favor of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, the more progressive candidate on federal cannabis […]

Bill Clinton Says President Obama Isn’t “a Change-Maker”


Former President Clinton, stumping for his wife Hillary Clinton in Tennessee, contended that President Obama wasn’t “a change-maker.” Bill Clinton garnered quite a bit of media attention for stating that, “we are all mixed-race people” after Representative Steve Cohen introduced the forty-second president as a “heck of a stand-in” for the first […]

Tommy Chong: “I Love Donald Trump. He Personifies the Republican Party.”

I got the chance to sit down with cannabis legend Tommy Chong at the International Cannabis Business Conference in San Francisco. Chong, 77, is parlaying his cannabis celebrity into a new brand, Chong’s Choice, as well as co-hosting a podcast with his son, Paris, to be hosted on CannabisRadio.com. I asked […]

Tommy Chong on The Jackson 5, Cheech, Prison, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump

For those not lucky enough to see Tommy Chong interviewed by Steve Bloom of Celebstoner and Freedom Leaf at the International Cannabis Business Conference  (ICBC), here are some highlights and notes, in a very stream-of-consciousness-kind-of-manner. This is according to my recollection, so most quotes are very much paraphrased: How are […]

Bernie Sanders’ Political Revolution Is Tackling THE Issues of Our Day

Bernie Sanders campaign faces on site

Some political pundits and Hillary Clinton backers have rallied behind the still-Democratic-frontrunner’s closing statement in last night’s debate where she stated, “I am not a single-issue candidate and I do not believe we live in a single-issue country.” Some feel that Clinton finally found her message on why she is […]

Bernie’s Fight for Civil Rights


Bernie Sanders has a remarkable history of being on the right side of the important civil rights battles of the day. Has he been perfect, of course not, but the smear that he has been absent on issues that matter to African American communities and all people of color seems […]

Establishment Thinks Trolls Are Why Hillary Clinton’s Losing Young People

As approaches the New Hampshire Democratic Primary tomorrow night, he leads by almost 15 points in Huffington Post’s Pollster poll averages. barely eked out a 0.2 percent “win” in Iowa and now the Granite State could put Senator Sanders in the position of frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination. This […]

Cannabis Cartman Christie Attacks Reefer Madness Rubio

Chris Christie Cartman Cop

Florida Senator Marco Rubio had his momentum (or “Marcomentum,” if you will) blunted by New Jersey Chris Christie at the final Republican debate before the New Hampshire primary. Rubio had been seen as the “establishment” candidate with the most momentum following his strong third-place finish, just one point behind national frontrunner […]

Conservative Legal Critic of President Obama Urges Declassifying of Marijuana


A conservative critic of President Obama’s use of executive authority is urging the President to declassify or reclassify marijuana. Illya Shapiro will soon file another brief in a 26-state challenge to President Obama’s immigration actions, yet he wants him to bypass Congress, who still lags way behind the American voters on the […]

If the Democrats Nominate Hillary Clinton, We Get President Marco Rubio

The latest results from respected pollster Quinnipiac University show that Senator , once down by 30 points nationally to Secretary , is now within just two points of the supposedly presumptive Democratic presidential nominee among voters who are Democrats or Democratic-leaning, and out-performs her against the three leading GOP candidates. […]

Bernie Sanders Earns Endorsement of Former NAACP Leader, Criminal Justice Platform Will Continue Momentum

Benjamin Jealous NAACP

CNN broke the news that Bernie Sanders has earned the endorsement of Ben Jealous, former head of the NAACP. Senator Sanders, like then-Senator Barack Obama in the 2008 primary, has started way behind in African-American support. Candidate Obama flipped black voter support following his inspirational victory in the Iowa caucus, […]

Cruz and Trump Preach States’ Rights, Rubio is the Reefer Madness Candidate

Cruz Trump Rubio

The Republican presidential primary looks to be boiled down to three real candidates following the Iowa caucus and one, Marco Rubio, should have cannabis law reformers and civil libertarians concerned. The Reefer Madness candidate was Chris Christie, who famously stated that marijuana users were diseased and needed curing with law […]

On Marijuana, Hillary Clinton Sides with Big Pharma Over Young Voters

As her lead in the polls continues to dwindle, Hillary Clinton is trying her best to appeal to young voters, who favor her main opponent, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Clinton goes to ridiculous lengths in her attempts to woo young people into supporting her campaign: she’s whipped and nae-naed on […]

Still Zero Senate Cosponsors for Bernie Sanders’ Bill De-scheduling Marijuana

Bernie Sanders

Sadly, exactly zero colleagues have cosponsored Senator Bernie Sanders’ smart proposal to de-schedule marijuana. The Vermont Senator’s bill, S. 2237: Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2015, was introduced in early November. Going beyond the timid rescheduling out of draconian Schedule I, a common sense move somehow refused by President […]