February 5, 2025
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Bernie Sanders Continues to Gain on Hillary Clinton in Latest Poll

Sanders and Clinton

Many headlines regarding the latest Suffolk/USA TODAY poll contain headlines about the strong lead that Hillary Clinton maintains, downplyaing (if not ignoring) the impressive gain made by Bernie Sanders (and corresponding drop in support for Clinton). The Suffolk/USA TODAY poll does have the former Secretary of State leading the Vermont […]

The Oregonian is Right to Cover Marijuana Extensively

Cannabis activists protest at The Oregonian

Many people in Oregon have been wondering why The Oregonian, the largest paper in the Northwest, would devote so much time to covering all things marijuana. The paper has a reporter, Noelle Crombie, covering the marijuana beat full-time and a few other reporters chipping in as well. Some long-time activists, […]

Brazil Supreme Court to Decide if All Drugs Should be Decriminalized

Brazil Flag ove cannabis

In Ravin v. State, the Alaska Supreme Court determined that the right to privacy under the Alaskan Constitution provided residents the constitutional protection to possess, cultivate and consume personal amounts of cannabis. The Alaskan justices found that the government didn’t prove that the harms of marijuana outweighed the privacy interest […]

Justice Sonia Sotomayor Wrong to Dismiss Marijuana Legalization

Sonia Sotomayor

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor strangely dismissed marijuana legalization when talking to college students about the importance of political engagement. Justice Sotomayor, as a lawyer and a judge, should know the significance of ending cannabis prohibition. It is alarming that a Supreme Court Justice, who invoked the Civil Rights Movement […]

Bernie Sanders, Ben Carson Lead in Latest Utah Poll

Democrat Donkey boxes Republican Elephant

Utah would seem to be fertile ground for GOP-outsider Ben Carson, a religious, soft-spoken neurosurgeon, but not democratic socialist Bernie Sanders, but both have surged ahead in the latest poll sanctioned by UtahPolicy.com. The poll, conducted by Dan Jones & Associates, found Carson leading national frontrunner Donald Trump 18% to […]

Bernie Sanders Seeks to End the Private Prison Racket

Bernie Sanders speaking in Arizona

The Drug War has been a failed disaster by any measure, destroying lives and bankrupting budgets across our great nation. The mass incarceration of nonviolent people for drugs has been a tragic epidemic that has disproportionately hurt people of color and citizens living in poverty. For far too long, politicians […]

Martin O’Malley: I Will Reschedule Marijuana and (Maybe) Support Legalization

Martin O'Malley Denver Marijuana

Today, at a Denver event billed as a “marijuana legalization listening session,” Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley confirmed that, if elected, he would use his executive authority to reschedule cannabis as a Schedule 2 substance. He also indicated that he would be willing to push for full legalization after “two […]

Marketwatch Predicts the Next States Likely to Legalize Cannabis

MarijuanaIn 2016 Elections

The 2016 election is shaping up to be a landmark year for the cannabis community, with more marijuana legalization measures passed in any one year, not to mention a the potential to elect a president willing to allow states to legalize “without restriction“, at least support the ability of localities […]

Hillary Clinton Super PAC Attacks Bernie Sanders

2016 Election

The media has done its best to goad Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders to attack Hillary Clinton. To his credit, Sanders has stuck to his policy differences and has run an issues-oriented campaign. The anti-establishment candidate’s tactics have certainly worked as a majority of voters in the early states of Iowa […]

Cannabis Regulations Can Help California’s Drought Crisis

California wildfire

You have to have your head buried in the sand if you aren’t concerned about our environment. Arctic ice caps are melting, California is running out of water and the wildfires are raging up and down the West Coast. I am honestly very frightened for our planet. One of the […]

Governor Martin O’Malley to Hold Cannabis Legalization Listening Session

MarijuanaIn 2016 Elections

Breaking on Marijuana Politics: Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley touts his progressive cannabis law reform history in a press release announcing a marijuana legalization listening session in Denver, Colorado, this Thursday. The event will be held at the office of Vicente Sederberg, a law firm that has been instrumental in […]

CNN Poll: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and the GOP Gain on Hillary Clinton

Democrat Donkey boxes Republican Elephant

UPDATE: A new Reuters poll shows that the CNN survey is not an outlier, as Reuters has Sanders within single digits. The conventional wisdom was that the the Hillary Clinton campaign machine would steam roll Bernie Sanders and any other Democratic presidential candidate in her path. Pundits thought, and some […]

Iowa Barnburner: Bernie Sanders Leads Hillary Clinton in Latest Poll

Bernie Sanders in Iowa

In a rather shocking development, even for those that have long been supporters and of Bernie Sanders, the latest Qunnipiac poll has the Vermont Senator edging out Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton 41% to 40%. While this poll is clearly within the statistical margin of error, the most amazing development is the huge […]

Clinton Takes Private Prisons’ Cash, Bernie Sanders’ Bill Will Eliminate Lucrative Contracts

private prison

As Marijuana Politics blogger Romain Bonilla recently posted, Hillary Clinton has strong financial ties to the private prison industry. These ties with the prison-industrial complex, mainly through common lobbyists, have been reported by a few blogs and rightfully make Drug War reformers suspicious of Clinton’s commitment to ending the use of […]

In Bed With Prison Lobby, Hillary Clinton Unlikely to End War on Drugs

As most Americans have come to realize, the War on Drugs has been a phenomenal disaster. Triggering the arrest of millions of otherwise law-abiding Americans, it has contributed to an unprecedented pattern of mass incarceration, one which unfairly targets the poor and people of color. Despite its success in locking […]

Bernie Sanders Gains on Hillary Clinton, Says Frontrunner is Nervous

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders has increased his lead on Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire according to the latest NBC/Marist poll. The progressive insurgent candidate that many cannabis law reform advocates have rallied around, has been the target of criticism from Clinton surrogates in recent day. Sanders responded that Clinton’s campaign must be […]

New GOP Poll is Good News for Donald Trump and Ben Carson

Donald Trump Ben Carson

Monmouth University released its first Republican poll following the first presidential candidate debates and the new GOP poll is good news for Donald Trump and other outsiders, bad for news for the establishment candidates. The conventional wisdom immediately following the first Republican debates seemed to be that Donald Trump would […]

Progressive Icon Elizabeth Warren is Now Open to Marijuana Legalization

Elizabeth Warren

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, a liberal darling that many wish would have run for president and hope will be the vice-president on the 2016 Democratic ticket, has had one glaring flaw on her resume: she has previously opposed cannabis legalization. Disheartening to many cannabis law reform advocates, Warren opposed marijuana […]

Jim Webb: Democrat’s Best Cannabis Candidate?

Jim Webb

Jim Webb, the former Senator from Virginia, may well be the Democratic 2016 candidate of choice for cannabis and drug war reformers. Webb’s candidacy is currently little know and seldom mentioned. This may change if Hilary Clinton’s campaign continues to melt down. Hillary Clinton’s marijuana policy is unclear and certainly […]

Is Donald Trump More Sensible Than Hillary Clinton on Marijuana?

Donald Trump, Bill and Hillary Clinton

As his poll numbers continue to rise in the Republican primary, Donald Trump remains a focus of media attention. Building on his popularity among Republicans, the business magnate multiplies media appearances, giving journalists the opportunity to question him on his political positions on a variety of issues. Most of the […]

Marijuana Poll: What it Means for Sanders, Clinton, Trump, Bush and the Rest of the 2016 Field

Democrat Donkey boxes Republican Elephant

Marijuana Majority recently released the group’s first poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling, to question registered voters in Iowa and New Hampshire on whether the federal government should respect state marijuana laws. The poll found that strong majorities of Democrats, Republican and independents want Uncle Sam to stay out of states’ cannabis […]

Iowa Starting to #FeelTheBern as Bernie Sanders Surges Close to Clinton

Bernie Sanders

As it has been written many times now, Bernie Sanders has become the mainstream candidate of many cannabis law reform advocates, especially following his comments about the Drug War ruining lives and the failure of the War on Drugs; his announcing a bill to abolish private prisons; and his openness […]

Hillary Clinton Confronted about Medical Marijuana by Iowa Mother

Despite Bernie Sanders’ surge, particularly in the first primary state of New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton remains the Democratic frontrunner and the odds-on favorite to be the next President of the United States. Thus, it remains extremely important that cannabis law reformers lobby Clinton to support sensible federal marijuana policies that […]

Debbie Does Malice: DNC Chairwoman is a Drug War Disaster

Democratic National Committee Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz discredits her party with her malevolent views and actions on cannabis.  The Florida congresswoman’s backwardness and obstruction on one of the 2016 election’s premier issues, cannabis prohibition, may cost the Democrats important votes. Many of us will not vote for the Democratic presidential […]

Bernie Sanders Weekend Rallies on the Cannabis-Friendly West Coast

Update: Bernie Sanders in Seattle: “Too Many Lives Have Been Destroyed by the War on Drugs.” Update 2.0: Commits to Criminal Justice Reform Before His Largest Crowd Ever; 28,000  Supporters in Portland, Oregon Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is taking his presidential bid to the West Coast, with a rally tonight in Seattle, tomorrow […]

Hillary Clinton Talks About Marijuana

Members of the media weren’t allowed into the $2,700 a head Hillary Clinton fundraiser in one of the most posh neighborhoods in pot-friendly Portland, Oregon, but that didn’t prevent some details of her talk from being reported upon as some attendees dished some details. Of course, most interesting to us here […]

Marijuana in the 2016 Election

marijuana does well at the ballot box

The news media will certainly focus a lot on marijuana in the 2016 election. Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that marijuana is covered a lot in the media these days. Many mainstream media outlets, once strong opponents of legalization, have now embraced marijuana with spin-off publications […]

Donald Trump on Marijuana: Fired?

Update: Blog “What Does Donald Trump Think of Marijuana Legalization” includes latest news and polls.  The 2016 presidential race is heating up with progressive Bernie Sanders, the favored candidate of many cannabis law reform advocates, gaining ground on the Hillary Clinton Machine on the Democratic side as Sanders’ progressive positions become […]

Bernie Sanders Calls for a Political Revolution, Ending the Drug War

The 2016 presidential election is a pivotal event for the future of the cannabis community and greater Drug War reforms. Just as it was critical to have the Obama Administration allow the implementation of legalization in Washington, Colorado, Oregon and Alaska, the next president will have a tremendous influence upon […]

Supreme Court Legalizes Marriage Equality, But What About Marijuana Equality?

Today, the United States Supreme Court announced its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges marriage equality decision legalizing same-sex marriage all across the country. The marriage equality and marijuana legalization movements share a lot of the same supporters National polling is very similar and the both causes have made dramatic advancements in […]

Rand Paul Headlines Marijuana Industry Fundraiser

Supporting sensible federal marijuana policies used to one of the third-rail of American politics as politicians fell over each other to be the candidate toughest on crime. Today, a majority of voters support legalization and we are finally seeing a few major presidential candidates support federal marijuana law reform. Thus […]

Bill Clinton Makes a Marijuana Joke? Paving the Way for Hillary?

Hillary Clinton will certainly be asked plenty of times about her marijuana policy as she travels the campaign trail. She will most likely be challenged from the left by Bernie Sanders on the Democratic side and potentially from the right by Rand Paul if he can escape the clown car […]

Kelly Clarkson Supports Marijuana Legalization

You would have to be living under a rock to not recognize that marijuana has gone mainstream in our society. Cannabis law reform measures are winning at the ballot box and more and more prominent people are supporting legalization. From entertainers to politicians, people are feeling comfortable coming out of […]

Marijuana Perplexes the 2016 Republican Hopefuls

Marijuana legalization has been making inroads with Republican voters, especially millennials, but GOP support has lagged well behind Democrats and independents. Cannabis law reform advocates have long pointed out the conservative values demonstrated by marijuana legalization, including personal freedom, personal responsibility, entrepreneurship, smaller government and states’ rights. Marijuana law reform has […]

Will Bernie Sanders Become the Cannabis Candidate?

Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign is already a unique endeavor that will hopefully allow our nation to more honestly debate a whole host of issues, particularly on the Democratic side. Sanders will definitely push Hillary Clinton on many progressive issues and the Republicans likely will have to deal with the consequences […]