The Oregon Marijuana Business Conference (OMBC) is bringing back its trademark blend of business, activism and culture to Eugene for another information-filled conference on April 28th at the River Valley Inn. Today is your LAST CHANCE TO GET DISCOUNT TICKETS – prices go up $100 at midnight! This will mark the […]

Opportunity to Question California’s Marijuana Czar at the next ICBC
The California cannabis industry will be undergoing a huge overhaul as the state develops and implements new regulations for the state’s medical and recreational systems. The cannabis community will hear a lot about proposed rules over the next year and, unfortunately, a ton of misinformation will filter through the grapevine since […]

German Parliament Greatly Improves Medical Cannabis Access
Last Thursday, some seriously ill patients in Germany breathed a sigh of relief when lawmakers in the lower house of Germany’s Parliament unanimously approved a measure which would improve accessibility to medical cannabis. The law will allow doctors to prescribe cannabis for some serious illnesses without forcing patients to go […]

The California Cannabis Market Is How Big?
A new figure has been making the rounds that has ganjapreneurs and cannabis investors on the west coast sitting up in their seat. The number is $23.3 billion, and it’s the latest economic estimate on just how much cannabis stands to be produced in California now that plant is coming […]

Major International Cannabis Business Deal Reached
There are signs that cannabis legalization is progressing at a rapid pace are abundant around the globe these days. From electoral victories to cultural milestones to the news that advocates are laying the groundwork for future political success stories all around us. Of course, cannabis legalization is also major economic […]
Medical Marijuana & It’s Effects On Neurological Disorders
People suffering from different neurological issues may have a new found hope in states where the use of Medicinal or Recreational Marijuana is available. In 2014 the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) released the results of several studies performed using 4 different variations of medical marijuana. These variations consisted of: […]

ICBC Heads to Vancouver, One of the Cannabis Capitals of the World
The International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) has sold out events in Oregon, where cannabis is now legal and in California, where legalization is expected to pass this November, by bringing in top advocates and entrepreneurs from around the world. The ICBC is heading across the border for the first time, […]

Marijuana Legalization States Cash in the Most
In recent years, four states and the District of Columbia have legalized the sale of retail marijuana by popular vote. 25 more states permit medical marijuana or have decriminalized marijuana possession. Starting as early as 2011, polls consistently showed Americans’ support of legalizing marijuana. A number of states are likely […]

Join NCIA at the ICBC and in Its Efforts to Improve Cannabis Laws
The National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) has been at the forefront of cannabis law reform since its inception in 2010. NCIA works for sensible cannabis laws for for cannabis businesses while also supporting efforts to improve criminal law as well. With more than 1,000 members, NCIA has forged a powerful coalition […]

Prosecutors to Drop Charges Against Oregon Teen Devontre Thomas
Even those that don’t support legalizing cannabis were hard pressed to support the federal government threatening Oregon teen Devontre Thomas with a year long prison term over about a gram of marijuana. Drug War reform advocates and concerned citizens across the nation were frankly appalled of such a harsh sentence facing […]

Kleiman’s Wrong: Why Cheap Marijuana Is a Good Thing
This is the fourth of a five-part post to tide you over for the Independence Day weekend. Enjoy Part I, where I explain Prof. Mark Kleiman’s fear of low legal marijuana price, Part II where I debunk his fear of “cannabis use disorder”, and Part III where I show you Kleiman’s vision […]

Ending the Machinery of Death, Another Needed Criminal Justice Reform
“I no longer shall tinker with the machinery of death,” Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun wrote in a 1994 dissent where he declared, “the death penalty experiment has failed.” More than 150 death row inmates have been exonerated by evidence of innocence since 1973. A recent study has examined exonerations […]

ASA Grades State Medical Marijuana Programs
Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is a patient-focused group that works to legalize access to medical cannabis from coast to coast. The group has over 50,000 members that works to advocate for patient access at all levels of government. At the federal level, ASA is working hard to pass […]

Marijuana Prohibition Cost Al Gore the 2000 Election
One of my stock lines on the speaking circuit is that if marijuana had been legal in 2000, Al Gore would have been our 43rd president. If 9/11/2001 had blocked your mind from recalling the events of just ten months prior, let’s refresh the memory. Al Gore had won the […]

#FreeJeff! #FreeJeff! #FreeJeff! Jeff Mizanskey was horrifically sentenced to die in a Missouri prison for marijuana offenses. Tragically, Jeff, a nonviolent man and a a model prisoner, has already spent more than two decades behind bars for a plant; a plant that is legal for medicinal use in more than 20 states […]