December 21, 2024
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Progressive Icon Elizabeth Warren is Now Open to Marijuana Legalization

Elizabeth Warren

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, a liberal darling that many wish would have run for president and hope will be the vice-president on the 2016 Democratic ticket, has had one glaring flaw on her resume: she has previously opposed cannabis legalization. Disheartening to many cannabis law reform advocates, Warren opposed marijuana […]

Jeb Bush: Bad for Marijuana and Drug War Reform

Jeb Bush DonkeyHotey

Jeb Bush, the one-time presumed 2016 Republican presidential nominee, has seen better days. His establishment front-runner status was shattered over the summer by the meteoric rise of Donald Trump and, more recently, surging GOP insurgents Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina. After spending the first half of this year raising more […]

Is Donald Trump More Sensible Than Hillary Clinton on Marijuana?

Donald Trump, Bill and Hillary Clinton

As his poll numbers continue to rise in the Republican primary, Donald Trump remains a focus of media attention. Building on his popularity among Republicans, the business magnate multiplies media appearances, giving journalists the opportunity to question him on his political positions on a variety of issues. Most of the […]

Marijuana Poll: What it Means for Sanders, Clinton, Trump, Bush and the Rest of the 2016 Field

Democrat Donkey boxes Republican Elephant

Marijuana Majority recently released the group’s first poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling, to question registered voters in Iowa and New Hampshire on whether the federal government should respect state marijuana laws. The poll found that strong majorities of Democrats, Republican and independents want Uncle Sam to stay out of states’ cannabis […]

Iowa Starting to #FeelTheBern as Bernie Sanders Surges Close to Clinton

Bernie Sanders

As it has been written many times now, Bernie Sanders has become the mainstream candidate of many cannabis law reform advocates, especially following his comments about the Drug War ruining lives and the failure of the War on Drugs; his announcing a bill to abolish private prisons; and his openness […]

Ben Carson’s Stance on Marijuana: Enforce Federal Prohibition Laws, Let Big Pharma Handle the Medical Side

Ben Carson DonkeyHotey

Famed neurosurgeon, best-selling author, and former FOX News contributor Ben Carson announced in May that he would be running for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. After catapulting to mainstream attention in 2013 by using his position as keynote speaker at the annual National Prayer Breakfast to rail against political correctness, […]

What Does Donald Trump Think of Marijuana Legalization?

Donald Trump

In more ways than one, Donald Trump is an unusual presidential candidate. Many people have tried to write off his unorthodox presidential campaign, but polling numbers seem to indicate that Trump has staying power, as he leads among GOP primary voters nationally and in the early states of Iowa and […]

17 GOP Candidates, 4 Debate Hours, 0 Marijuana or Drug War Mentions

Fox News GOP Debate

Last night was the first of the Republican Presidential candidates’ debates, presented by FOX News and Facebook, and in four hours there was not one mention of the War on Drugs. As fellow Marijuana Politics blogger Romain Bonilla noted, the debate would have been a great opportunity to discuss marijuana policy, […]

First GOP Debate: A Great Opportunity to Discuss Marijuana Policy

Later today, Republican presidential candidates will participate in a two-hour debate on live television, where there’s a good chance they will be asked to address issues of marijuana policy. The primetime debate, organized by Fox News in Ohio, will begin at 8:50 pm Eastern time and will feature the top […]

Hillary Clinton Talks About Marijuana

Members of the media weren’t allowed into the $2,700 a head Hillary Clinton fundraiser in one of the most posh neighborhoods in pot-friendly Portland, Oregon, but that didn’t prevent some details of her talk from being reported upon as some attendees dished some details. Of course, most interesting to us here […]

Donald Trump Doesn’t Want to End the Mexican Drug War

As he made clear in his announcement speech, Donald Trump has taken an interest in crimes happening along the U.S.-Mexico border. Making the case for the construction of a “great wall” between the two countries, he complained that Mexican immigrants are “bringing drugs” and “crime” to the United States as […]

Marijuana in the 2016 Election

marijuana does well at the ballot box

The news media will certainly focus a lot on marijuana in the 2016 election. Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that marijuana is covered a lot in the media these days. Many mainstream media outlets, once strong opponents of legalization, have now embraced marijuana with spin-off publications […]

Chris Christie is the Cartman of the 2016 Republican Primary

Chris Christie Cartman Cop

As we have been reporting for the past few months, Chris Christie is the worst kind of Reefer Madness prohibitionist: the radical type that is willing to use military-style SWAT raids against nonviolent American who utilize cannabis, even in states that have legalized marijuana. He has even called marijuana users […]

Donald Trump on Marijuana: Fired?

Update: Blog “What Does Donald Trump Think of Marijuana Legalization” includes latest news and polls.  The 2016 presidential race is heating up with progressive Bernie Sanders, the favored candidate of many cannabis law reform advocates, gaining ground on the Hillary Clinton Machine on the Democratic side as Sanders’ progressive positions become […]