March 26, 2025

Cannabis Fund PAC Now Online

Congressman Earl Blumenauer’s Cannabis Fund political action committee is up and accepting donations. This is a great opportunity to directly fund messages and candidates against cannabigots and marijuana prohibitionists. The photo shows an early project targeting anti-marijuana, anti-veteran congressman Pete Sessions. Such messages should appear on a massive scale. But, […]

House Rules Chairman Commits an Immoral Act

Pete Sessions, chair of the hugely powerful Rules Committee of the US House of Representatives, committed a highly immoral act. This Congressman, along with others in the committee, blocked several pro-cannabis amendments from full House votes, killing them. For years, medical marijuana users and their industry have been protected from […]

Eleven Evil Ways To Crush Legal Cannabis

The conservative Heritage Foundation has developed a dangerous document to help destroy state legalized cannabis. The powerful Heritage Foundation has had substantial influence upon Republicans since it helped chaperon Ronald Reagan and is providing major guidance to the Donald Trump administration.  The foundation, abbreviated Heritage, is supposedly conservative, but without […]