This just in from the Department of Tooting My Own Horn: I was featured last night on the CBS affiliate in Phoenix, Arizona, for my dedication to nationwide marijuana reform and my tattoo commemorating that mission. CBS 5 covered me as part of their story on Scottsdale-based CannabisRadio.com, the network that hosts my live daily podcast, The Russ Belville Show.
A marijuana advocate and talk show host on the Valley-based Cannabis Radio Network has a target on his back. Literally.
“Radical” Russ Belville, host of the Russ Belville Show, has a map of the United States tattooed from shoulder to shoulder. States that have legalized recreational use of marijuana Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska are shaded in green ink.
“I’m not stopping until all 50 states are legal. I’m not stopping until nobody has to fear a drug test for their job. I’m not stopping until every patient who needs medical cannabis can get it.”
“Will I be in my 80s by the time Kansas legalizes? Maybe. But since I use a lot of cannabis, I’m sure I’ll see it,” he said with a smile.