Medical cannabis advocates hopeful that Pennsylvania would finally join the ranks of states allowing the medical use of marijuana were forced to continue their wait as a scheduled vote on a medical cannabis was pulled. It is a travesty that the Pennsylvania Legislature hasn’t passed a medical marijuana yet as a super-majority of state voters support medical use. Unfortunately, elected officials tend to lag several years behind the voters on the issue, as we have seen states with the initiative process have led the way on both passing medical and recreational marijuana legalization laws.
Pennsylvania, tragically for the patients that would benefit from legal cannabis, doesn’t allow for the initiative process. In addition to the lag in time when passing medical measures, politicians also seem inclined to pass reforms that are too-restrictive for many patients. As ABC27.com reports, Pennsylvania officials are likely to add more restrictions to the medical bill originally set for a vote:
Sources told ABC 27 an amendment is expected to be introduced that would “water” down Senate Bill 3 by putting caps on THC and the cannabis plant.
A rally will be held in the Capitol Rotunda at noon. A family who lost their child to Dravet syndrome, a severe seizure disorder, will speak. They believe their child would still be alive if medical cannabis was legal in Pennsylvania.
Those in favor of medical cannabis have been using the battle cry “Still sick, still waiting.”
Hopefully, Pennsylvania legislators adhere to the wishes of their constituents and pass a medical cannabis law that works effectively for the state’s patients. Too many sick and disabled patients have waited far too long for a law supported by more than 85% of Keystone State voters.