Progressive supporters of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders got great news this past week when a Fox News poll showed the anti-establishment Democratic candidate with a commanding 13 point lead over frontrunner Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire. The good polling news continued with the release of the NBC/The Wall Street Journal/Marist also showing Senator Sanders winning in New Hampshire and only trailing by 4% points in Iowa. (On the Republican side, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are battling in Iowa, while Trump has a commanding lead in New Hampshire).
Although, the NBC/The Wall Street Journal/Marist poll tabbed Sanders with a smaller lead in the Granite State than the Fox News poll, the Vermont Senator has many reasons to feel confident of a victory in his neighbor, especially if he has a strong result in Iowa. New Hampshire voters know Bernie Sanders better than most states’ residents and the fact state election rules allows independents to cast votes in the nation’s first primary. Senator Sanders has performed great with independents, one reason he polls better than Hillary Clinton in many matchups with Republican frontrunners.
Those posting #FeelTheBern all over social media had another reason to cheer recently when Sen. Sanders hinted that Elizabeth Warren would be a fine choice as Vice President. Many progressives begged the Massachusetts Senator to enter the race and many have now flocked to the political revolution that Bernie Sanders is now leading. Elizabeth Warren would be a very positive choice for marijuana legalization supporters and is many way thought of as a Dream Ticket by progressives.
Conventional wisdom and most establishment pundits didn’t give Bernie Sanders any hope of being in this strong of a position, let alone winning the Democratic nomination, just a few months ago. It is rather amazing what Senator Sanders, and his supporters, have already accomplished, but the Sanders’ campaign isn’t playing for any moral victories or just being satisfied with changing the Democratic debate. The Vermont Senator’s team is in it to win it and is making a case to help him win in the Iowa caucus in his latest campaign email:
Can you imagine how you’ll feel on the night of the Iowa caucuses if it turns out Bernie comes up just short? After all we’ve accomplished together against impossible odds … it’d be devastating.
With your support Bernie has brought us within striking distance of winning. But the new NBC poll released just this morning shows we still have critical ground to make up in Iowa.
NBC News Poll (Jan. 10, 2016)
Clinton: 48%
Sanders: 45%By all accounts, Hillary Clinton has dramatically ramped up her fundraising since we announced our record-breaking number of small-dollar, individual contributions. Earlier this week, the Clinton campaign raised almost two million dollars in one day from just three events with millionaires!
But our campaign is funded by emails like these. That’s why your contribution today is so important.
In solidarity,
Jeff Weaver
Campaign Manager
Bernie 2016