New Hampshire Referendum: Americans Want Marijuana and a Revolution


Last night’s New Hampshire crush and repudiation of the establishment on both the left and the right sent a loud and clear signal that Americans are tired of the same old politics and business as usual.  Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump didn’t just win, they blew everyone away!  That the establishment hacks are running around clueless and trying every attack in the book is not helping their cause at all.  The immediacy of social media combined with alternative forms of media continue to repudiate their prima facie protestations that are being rejected wholesale on both sides of the political spectrum.

Out of the cauldron of issues that Americans are rejecting is of course the 400 lb pink elephant (or green bud, if you will) in the middle of the room.  The 18th Amendment prohibiting alcohol was in line with how the nation is supposed to function, a constitutional amendment that dealt with issues that are usually left to the states.  The repealing of alcohol prohibition, with the 21st Amendment likewise was the will of the public.  Substituting the War on Alcohol with the War on Drugs, without any constitutional amendment (brought to you by the United Nations), has proven to be a continual dirty spot in American political dirty tricks.  The Drug War has failed and should have been deemed illegal in the first place.

Americans are rejecting mainstream media lies and propaganda even as the US legally allows itself to be propagandized to. For many, it’s not just immigration or economic disparity that has the left and right on the run, it’s the social issue that Americans are taking back one state at a time, marijuana decriminalization and legalization.  It seems the world did not end after Colorado and Washington legalized recreational cannabis and much to the chagrin of the political establishment, this issue is not going away.

Last night was not only a repudiation of politics as usual but also gave us front runners on both sides of the spectrum that will most likely help bring the end of marijuana prohibition and for that we can only say thank you Americans (or at least New Hampshire voters) for finally saying enough is enough and we’re not going to take your lies anymore!