NBA Players Association Should Take Up Marijuana Legalization in 2017


While not a huge sample size, TMZ Sports asked 10 active NBA players whether they thought medical marijuana should be legal for NBA players to utilize if recommended by their doctor and all 10 agreed that medicinal cannabis should be allowed. TMZ asked the NBA Players Association about the issue and the union stated that medical marijuana could be considered when the collective bargaining agreement is negotiated again in 2017, “We represent the players’ rights in their workplace. If this is an issue that membership feels strongly about, we would address it during CBA negotiations. This is a players’ rights issue.”

From TMZ:

One player told us, “How can you tell a guy with a prescription not to use it?? They should be allowed to have their medicine.”

Another said … “The NBA shouldn’t advertise for it, but I don’t see an issue if a player uses [with a prescription].”

Overall, the players believe the league needs to change with the times — though they agree, the NBA is more progressive than other major sports leagues like the NFL and MLB and could be a real trailblazer when it comes to pot policy.

This would be a great development for the NBA and hopefully other sports leagues would follow suit. Athletes put their body through a tremendous amount of stress, suffering serious injuries. Prescription painkillers are more addictive and overdoses can be legal. While medical marijuana may not be a cure-all for athletes, it could help them use fewer prescription narcotics, decreasing cases of addiction and potentially even save a few lives. NFL Super Bowl champion and Pro Bowl center Mark Stepnoski has stated that marijuana helped him during his career and marijuana didn’t prevent Ricky Williams from winning a rushing title or Michael Phelps from winning a record number of Olympic medals. And apparently, cannabis hasn’t prevented Kevin Durant from winning last year’s MVP award and becoming one of the top players in the NBA. Here’s hoping that these 10 anonymous players have helped start a trend in all major sports leagues towards a more sane cannabis policy that benefits the health of its athletes.

Anthony, a longtime cannabis law reform advocate, was Chief Petitioner and co-author of Measure 91, Oregon's cannabis legalization effort. He served as director of both the New Approach Oregon and Vote Yes on 91 PACs, the political action committees responsible for the state's legalization campaign. As director of New Approach Oregon, Anthony continues to work towards effectively implementing the cannabis legalization system while protecting small business owners and the rights of patients. He sits on the Oregon Marijuana Rules Advisory Committee and fights for sensible rules at the legislature as well as city councils and county commissions across the state. Anthony helps cannabis business comply with Oregon's laws and advises advocates across the country. He also serves as content director of both the International Cannabis Business Conference and the Oregon Marijuana Business Conference, helping share the vision of moving the cannabis industry forward in a way that maintains the focus on keeping people out of prison and protecting patients. He was a member of the Oregon Health Authority Rules Advisory Committee, assisting the drafting of the administrative rules governing Oregon’s state-licensed medical marijuana facilities. He first co-authored and helped pass successful marijuana law reform measures while a law student at the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law. He passed the Oregon Bar in 2005 and practiced criminal defense for two years before transitioning to working full-time in the political advocacy realm. His blogs on Marijuana Politics are personal in nature and don't speak for or reflect the opinions of any group or organization.