October 1st marks a historic day for the Oregon cannabis community the next step towards ending cannabis prohibition. While there is so much work to be done, today is a day for celebrating how far we have come thanks to so many hard-working advocates. I had the honor of making the first purchase at Cannabliss, a flagship Portland dispensary that has been a model for the state. Canabliss’ owner, Matt Price, is a good friend of mine and I was pleased to accept his offer to be first in line when his dispensary first allowed sales to non-patient adults.
Matt has hosted tours with public officials and has been a great representative for the cannabis industry, demonstrating the industry’s willingness to embrace sensible regulations while always caring for sick and disabled patients. Studio McDermott, KATU News and The Oregonian were both on hand to record history. The Oregonian, who has been covering marijuana legalization extensively, dedicated 20 reporters to the October 1st start of cannabis sales.
After visiting Cannabliss, I ventured over to Cannacea, a dispensary that is working to harness the full potential of the cannabis plant, breeding strains with high CBD and other medicinal cannabinoids (not just THC). People started camping out at Cannacea at midnight and there was certainly a festive atmosphere. It was an honor to address the crowd and thank them for being a part of history. Several people were very emotional, including owner Trish Siler, and got choked up from just experiencing a day that has been decades in the making. Myself and other Marijuana Politics bloggers will have more to add on the historic first day of adult-use sales of cannabis, including some video, so please stay tuned…
A photo posted by Studio McDermott (@studiomcdermott) on