Unfortunately, we need to act again to protect Southern Oregon patients. Thanks to you, we successfully stopped a ban on personal marijuana gardens in Medford and we are having to be vigilant in Ashland as well. Now, the Jackson County Commission needs to hear from us as commissioners consider regulations that will hurt patients’ safe access to medicine.
The Jackson County Commission is considering a proposal that will hurt patients’ safe access to cannabis by placing unnecessary restrictions on plant cultivation, processing and dispensaries.
Please protest these harmful regulations by emailing the Jackson County Planning Commission and Commissioners. Put “Marijuana Regulations” in the subject line and urge the council members to vote “No” on:
1. 250 foot garden setbacks;
2. limiting some commercial gardens to just 1,000 square feet;
3. prohibiting certain types of processing; and
4. prohibitions on the placement of medical cannabis dispensaries beyond state regulations.
Commissioner Rick Dyer: DyerRR@jacksoncounty.org
Commissioner Doug Breidenthal: BreideDP@
The Jackson County Planning Commission is holding a public hearing on these marijuana regulations at 9am this Thursday, December 3rd at the Jackson County Courthouse Auditorium at 10 S. Oakdale Avenue in Medford. The County Commission meets on Wednesdays at 9:30am at the Jackson County Courthouse at 10 South Oakdale Ave., Room 214, and could consider these marijuana regulations as early as next Wednesday. We must be vigilant, so please make your voices heard and spread the word to family and friends.