If you had the money, time, and desire, you could go to some sort of cannabis friendly event almost every day of the year. This is my attempt at keeping an up to date list of most of the major (more than 500 people, or some sort of culturally cool or significant type festivity) all over The USA. If you have an event to add, please leave it in the comments. I will try my best to keep this list current, but we all how cannabis users are about planning ahead.
Ngaio Bealum, Culture Editor, www.marijuanapolitics.com
15 The Clinic Classic Charity Golf Tournament Denver, CO www.thecliniccolorado.com/ccc6
14-16 Seattle Hempfest – Seattle, WA www.hempfest.org
14-16 The Highlarious Comedy Fest (THC fest) Seattle, WA highlariouscomedy.com/
21-23 Hempcon San Jose, CA
22-23 High Times Cannabis Cup – Clio, Michigan www.cannabiscup.com/clio-16-20michigan#info-
12- 13 Oregon Medical Marijuana Business Conference – Portland, OR ommbc.com
16- 20 Twisted Sister Cannabis Yoga Retreat, Colorado http://twistedsister.yoga/colorado-yoga-retreats/
26-27 Boston Freedom Rally – Boston, MA www.facebook.com/bostonfreedomrally
2-5 Madison Hempfest (Midwest Harvest Fest) http://madisonhempfest.com/index.html
6-8 Cannafest – Prague http://en.cannafest.cz/
12-15 High Times Cannabis Cup – Negril, Jamaica http://www.cannabiscup.com/
13 – 15 H 25th Annual Humboldt Hempfest – Garberville, CA http://www.mateel.org/hempfest.html
12 – 13 Emerald Cup Outdoor Cannabis Celebration Santa Rosa CA http://theemeraldcup.com/