OMBC Discounted Price Ends at Midnight


The Oregon Medical Marijuana Business Conference (OMBC) will provide those interested in the Oregon cannabis industry the foundation to succeed in the burgeoning market. Whether you want to be a wholesaler, retailer, processor, grower or in an ancillary business in Oregon, the OMBC is the conference for you. We here at Marijuana Politics are proud to sponsor the event and know that attendees will get the information they need, plus enjoy entertaining networking events that will help anyone involved with the Oregon cannabis industry. The same team that organizes the OMBC has gotten great reviews from producing similar conferences, such as the International Cannabis Business Conference and the Oregon Medical Marijuana Business Conference.

Not many marijuana business conferences in Oregon will include presentations by legislators, activists, entrepreneurs, lawyers and throw in an exclusive conference by hip-hop legend Del the Funky Homosapien. The conference welcomes warmly any and all with interest in the cannabis industry and lawyers and experts will be on hand to answer any questions that attendees have, regarding both the medical and recreational programs.

The OMBC is being held at the Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites and Del will be performing at the Brickroom. The Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) will start accepting applications for recreational marijuana business licenses on January 4th, 2017. If you want to get a head start on the competition, the OMBC is the conference for you. Tickets for the OMBC go up to $199 on November 7th, so don’t delay and get your $149 discounted tickets today. For more information, check out or call 888-920-6076. Marijuana Politics will be there covering the event and we hope to see you there.