I understand that we are all battle weary, but we must remember that we are working for a common goal. Votes have been expected on Senate Bill 844 the last three times the Measure 91 Committee has met and a vote was certainly expected last Monday, but the vote hasn’t proceeded because we have made our voices heard. On Monday, Senator Floyd Prozanski, the medical marijuana community’s best ally in the Oregon Legislature, introduced the DASH 15 amendments, which would move back the limitations on patient gardens back to July 1, 2017. Representative Peter Buckley also indicated his support for moving the operative date back as well.
We cannot stop fighting while we can still improve the bill and bad provisions remain. Unfortunately, problematic provisions still remain:
- Starting on March 1, 2016, grow sites in residential areas will only be able to grow for 2 patients maximum (12 plants); non-residential locations will only be able to grow for 8 total (48 plants).
- Growers will be subjected to a fee and inspections (even if growing in their home for just one other person, like their spouse)
- Any violation of the rules allows OHA to contact law enforcement.
CALL TO ACTION #1: Email Oregon legislators immediately. Make sure emails are received by noon, Wednesday, May 6th:
“Please vote NO on Senate Bill 844. Decreasing the number of patients’ gardens allowed at grow sites will force many patients to lose their supply of medicine. If you must pass the bill, please amend the bill with the DASH 15 amendments and move the operative date toJuly 1, 2017. Moving the operative date back will give the state and the Oregon medical marijuana community more time to help protect the most vulnerable patients from losing their medicine.”
Or simply:
“Please vote NO on Senate Bill 844. As written, SB 844 has plant limits that will hurt sick and disabled patients the most. If the bill must pass, please pass the DASH 15 amendments and move the operative date back to July 1, 2017. This simple, common sense change will improve the lives of many patients and allow us to adjust and best ensure that patients don’t lose their supply of medicine.”
Call to Action #2: Make calls Wednesday, May 6th (starting in the morning until 4pm) and basically state what you emailed, “Please vote NO on Senate Bill 844. If it must pass, please pass the DASH 15 amendments and move the operative date back to July 1, 2017.”
Sen. Ginny Burdick: 503-986-1718
Rep. Peter Buckley: 503-986-1405
Sen. Floyd Prozanski: 503-986-1704
Rep. Ken Helm: 503-986-1434
Sen. Jeff Kruse: 503-986-1701
Sen. Ted Ferrioli: 503-986-1950
Sen. Lee Beyer: 503-986-1706
Rep. Ann Lininger: 503-986-1438
Rep. Carl Wilson: 503-986-1403
Rep. Andy Olson: 503-986-1415Thank you, once again, for standing up for the OMMP and working to protect patients’ safe access to medicine,
Alex Rogers