Big thanks to the office of my congressman, Earl Blumenauer. They have put together a matrix of all the marijuana bills still circulating in the 114th Congress (H.R. = House Resolutions, S. = Senate):
- R. 262 – States’ Medical Marijuana Property Rights Protection Act – Prevents the Department of Justice from initiating civil asset forfeiture proceedings against property owners of state-sanctioned medical marijuana treatment centers.
- R. 1774 – Compassionate Access Act – Directs Administration to schedule marijuana at a place other than Schedule I; removes CBD from the definition of marijuana; includes research related provisions.
- R. 1635 – Charlotte’s Web Medical Hemp Act – Excludes “therapeutic hemp” from the definition of marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act. Therapeutic hemp is defined as marijuana with less than 0.3% THC.
- R. 667 – The Veterans Equal Access Act – Requires the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to authorize physicians and other health care workers employed by the VA to provide recommendations and opinions regarding the participation of a veteran in a state medical marijuana program. This includes authorizing them to fill out any forms involved in the process of recommending medical marijuana.
- 683 / H.R. 1538 – CARERS Act of 2015 – Compilation of a number of medical marijuana related provisions, including provisions relating to veterans access, state rights, CBD, medical marijuana research. Also includes banking provision for both medical and adult use.
- R. 1014 – Marijuana Tax Revenue Act – Creates a federal excise tax on federally legal marijuana sales.
- R. 1013 – Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act – Removes marijuana from the CSA Schedule; creates a federal regulatory framework for marijuana.
- 134 / H.R. 525 – Industrial Hemp Farming Act – Amends the Controlled Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp from the definition of marijuana, and for other purposes.
- R. 3124 – Clean Slate for Marijuana Offenses Act – To permit the expungement of records of certain federal marijuana-related offenses.
- 987 / H.R. 1855 – Small Business Tax Equity Act – Amends Internal Revenue Code to allow for tax deductions for normal business expenses for marijuana businesses operating in compliance with state law.
- 1726 / H.R. 2076 – Marijuana Businesses Access to Banking Act – Creates protections for depository institutions that provide financial services to marijuana-related businesses.
Make sure you get in contact with your representative and your senators and tell them to support these acts!