Oregon’s marijuana rules and laws are ever changing. The 2016 legislative session made several changes to both the state’s medical and recreational laws. Following the legislative session, both the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) have started rulemaking procedures that will impact patients, consumers, providers and cannabis businesses. While it can be very confusing for the cannabis community and industry participants, the Oregon Marijuana Business Conference (OMBC) on April 24th in Eugene, will provide a complete breakdown of current laws and give a glimpse into future changes.

Unfortunately, OHA is poised to move forward with too-restrictive limits on cannabis-infused edibles. On the positive side, the OLCC will be moving forward with micro-canopy growerlicenses that will allow Oregon’s small growers compete in the burgeoning market. Complicating issues even more, the city of Portland is considering raising local licensing fees, while other cities will be holding votes on whether to repeal bans on marijuana businesses.

In addition to covering virtually all aspects of Oregon marijuana law, the OMBC, as always, will give entrepreneurs a great opportunity to network with others in the industry. A VIP party featuring the brilliant Dr. Carl Hart and a conference after-party, featuring the great Tommy Chong, will ensure that the OMBC social events will be unlike any other conference’s in Oregon. Conference tickets are only $149 until Friday, so get your tickets now before our latest one-of-a-kind event sells out.