New Jersey Governor and likely 2016 Republican presidential candidate took fire from Jon Stewart on the Daily Show last night for his hypocritical stance that the federal government should crack down on states that have legalized marijuana. Christie, who has made himself public enemy #1 of the cannabis community, has already damaged too many lives by mishandling New Jersey’s medical marijuana program, would ruin even more lives and waste federal resources by violently invading people’s homes and businesses with armed federal agents for cultivating and providing a non-lethal substance that the federal government itself grows and dispenses to a handful of federal patients.
Stewart, who famously portrayed an “enhancement smoker” in the movie Half Baked, first satirically takes CNN to task for covering marijuana as a legitimate news story before Jessica Williams tells him to get with the times and beyond stereotypical stoner talk on the Daily Show’s segment commemorating 4/20. Then, Stewart calls out Governor Christie for supporting internet gambling while hypocritically proclaiming that the federal government should crack down on states that have licensed and regulated cannabis commerce:
Chris Christie has not only angered supporters of marijuana legalization, but he is likely to lose the support of libertarian-minded Republicans that support states’ rights and limited government. There are plenty of Republicans that live in Alaska, Colorado, Washington, Oregon as well as the states likely to have legalization on the ballot in 2016, such as California, Arizona and Nevada, that may not support marijuana legalization, but they also don’t support federal agents trampling the will of the voters. While Chris Christie hasn’t even declared that he is running for 2016 yet, let’s hope that his radical Reefer Madness agenda has disqualified him from any serious consideration.