The summer season will soon be upon us, and in Oregon, that means its time to finally crawl out of our wintery hovels and get outdoors! When the temperatures rise, the clouds finally part, and the sun comes peeking out over the mountains, we remember why we live here. As Oregon cannabis industry participants converge upon beautiful Eugene for the Oregon Marijuana Business Conference (OMBC), there will be plenty of established and prospective businesses represented, but something is missing from the Oregon cannabis scene (as well as other legalized states), something that can be rectified by mixing good business acumen with activism. While there are many ways to procure cannabis in legalized states, social recreational options are unfortunately missing.
Basically what I mean is this: people who like cannabis also often like nature, and vice versa. And people like to be social with cannabis, too. So an obvious thing that seems to be missing in the industry in states like Colorado, Oregon and California is the ability to consume cannabis in social settings. In our hasten to legalize and sometimes over-regulate the new industry to appease politicians and conservative voters, the truth is we have taken away the recreational part of cannabis consumption.
But oh so slowly, social consumption is gaining traction in newly legal states. Just recently, Denver voters passed a policy meant to soften norms that have been adopted in Colorado’s adult-use legal status. Basically, public consumption of cannabis has been illegal since the passage of Amendment 64 in 2012. Following a vote this past November, Denver residents supporting allowing businesses permits to allow for onsite cannabis consumption.
In Oregon, the pendulum is starting to swing back in the favor of consumer preference – just in time for the season to start!
Oregon means serious business when it comes to setting the bar as a travel destination, and proprietors are already giving a leg up! From cannabis bike tours to 420-friendly campgrounds, Oregon entrepreneurs are working on ways to put the “recreation” in recreational cannabis. Oregonians need to contact their legislators and urge the passage of Senate Bill 307, a bill that will allow for social consumption permits, but whether the bill passes this session or not, Oregon cannabis industry participants are certainly poised to find ways to bring together cannabis, tourism and fun activities.
Whether you or a grower, retailer processor or involved with an ancillary businesses, the Oregon marijuana industry has a plethora of opportunities available. Since knowledge, networking and activism all go hand-in-hand in the cannabis industry, entrepreneurs would be wise to attend the Oregon Marijuana Business Conference in Eugene on April 28th to learn the latest and make connections with others in the business. The OMBC festivities actually start on the evening of the 27th, with a VIP reception that will include conference speakers, vendors and attendees and keynoter Henry Rollins. If you are in the Oregon cannabis industry, or thinking of joining, the OMBC is the marijuana event for you.