The cannabis industry is understandably hanging on each and every bit of information that could potentially provide insight into the Donald Trump Administration’s future marijuana policy. There have been some troubling signs out of the administration, but also some positive ones. Many questions remain and everyone is still awaiting answers.
Will Donald Trump follow through on his campaign promises to support medical marijuana “100%” and respect the will of the states that have ended prohibition within their own borders? Will the Obama Administration’s Cole memo detailing federal government marijuana enforcement priorities remain intact, or will it be revised, or even scrapped altogether? How will Jeff Session’s prohibitionist tendencies impact his executive actions? Only time will answer our burning questions, but it is important to be as prepared as possible.
To help cannabis industry participants face the uncertain future with the Trump White House, the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) will host a very pertinent and important panel designed to prepare advocates, entrepreneurs and investors as much as possible. The panel, “Speaking Republican: How to Survive and Thrive During the Trump Administration,” is comprised of seasoned political strategists and legal experts who will offer their insight to everyone’s burning questions, address concerns, and offer strategic advice to to the cannabis industry from a political insider’s perspective.
The ICBC in San Francisco is bringing together top regulators, activists and industry professionals together to network and share information on February 17th, with a keynote address by rock icon Henry Rollins and a celebrity interview with four-time NBA champion John Salley. A special VIP reception on the 16th will include an appearance by both Tommy Chong and California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom. Get your tickets before this event sells out!
This blog was originally posted at www.internationalcbc.com and has been reposted here with special permission.