We are proud of our talented bloggers here at Marijuana Politics and it is great to see their activism and hard work recognized. Cyd Maurer was already named a finalist for The Oregonian’s 2015 Oregon Person of the Year and now she has been recognized by the Tokin Woman blog as the 2015 “Outing of the Year”, along with outings that included Joan Jett, Whoopi Goldberg and Susan Sarandon. From the 2015 Tokin Woman Tokey Awards:
When Oregon TV news anchor Cyd Maurer was fired this year after a post-fender-bender drug test revealed that she smoked marijuana, it highlighted the injustice of employment drug testing and of the prohibition on pot. Maurer, 25, released a video explaining how she was fired by a corporate attorney who never met her, coming out as a “normal and responsible marijuana user” whose only stereotyping has been as “an overachieving goody-goody.” She’s now started a website,http://askmeaboutmarijuana.com/ to keep the dialogue going.
Cyd’s story made waves around the world and helped illustrate the obstacles still placed in front of the cannabis community, even in a progressive state like Oregon. Sincer her unjust termination, Ms. Maurer has remained positive and a great example of how good people can be caught up in the harmful consequences of the Drug War, even without suffering an arrest or even committing any crime. We have really enjoyed working with Cyd and know that she will continue to be a great advocate for our fight for freedom.
Cyd Maurer joins fellow Marijuana Politics blogger Russ Belville in 2015 accolades as Belville was named The Weed Blog’s Co-Online Activist of the Year. Our editor, Anthony Johnson was named by GoLocalPDX as “the Oregonian who made the biggest difference in 2014” (although, seriously Anthony, what have you done for us lately?), so we are pleased to be a blogging spot for activists making positive impacts for the cannabis community. Cyd and our other award-winning bloggers helped make 2015 a great first year for Marijuana Politics and we look forward to an even bigger and better 2016.