Massachusetts, with its progressive marijuana laws and voters, is certainly on the short list of states most likely to legalize cannabis in 2016. In fact, USA Today named Massachusetts the #1 state on its list of those most likely to end prohibition within its borders as the newspaper points out that the state has already decriminalized cannabis, legalized medical marijuana and enjoys very high polling number in support of legalization. The Bay State may be the first New England state to legalize marijuana, although the state could be joined by Maine and others in the northeast as the area is ripe for more sensible Drug War reform.
According to a press release sent out by the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, Massachusetts advocates are likely to start collecting signatures to place legalization on the ballot in about two weeks. The state Attorney General’s office certified the activist’s initiative petition today, so Massachusetts is one step closer to legalizing marijuana:

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Jim Borghesani, Communications Director
Initiative to Regulate and Tax Marijuana Like Alcohol in Massachusetts Moves Another Step Closer to 2016 Ballot
The state Attorney General’s office certified the petition on Wednesday; later today, initiative backers will file it with the Secretary of the Commonwealth for final approval
BOSTON — A proposed initiative to regulate and tax marijuana like alcohol in Massachusetts moved another step closer to the 2016 ballot Wednesday when the state Attorney General’s office certified the petition in support of the measure. The attorney general is required to review all initiative petitions to ensure they meet certain constitutional requirements and must prepare a “fair, concise summary of the proposed law” to appear on petitions and the ballot.
“Massachusetts is another step closer to ending marijuana prohibition and replacing it with a more sensible policy,” said CRMLA campaign manager Will Luzier. “We’re already finding a lot of support and enthusiasm among voters. People are fed up with laws that punish adults simply for consuming a substance that is objectively less harmful than alcohol.”
The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol (CRMLA) will now file the petition with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, which has 14 days to sign off on it, at which point the campaign will begin its signature drive. Initiative backers must collect the signatures of 64,750 registered Massachusetts voters over a nine-week period from September to November. The petition would then be transmitted to the Massachusetts Legislature. If the legislature does not adopt the measure, initiative backers must collect 10,792 signatures in June 2016 to place the initiative on the November 2016 ballot.
In summary, the proposed initiative would:
- allow adults 21 and older to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and grow a limited number of marijuana plants in their homes, similar to homebrewing;
- create a tightly regulated system of licensed marijuana retail outlets, cultivation facilities, product manufacturing facilities, and testing facilities, which will be overseen by a commission similar to the Alcohol Beverage Control Commission (ABCC);
- provide local governments with the authority to regulate and limit the number of marijuana establishments in their city or town; and
- create a 3.75% state excise tax on retail marijuana sales (in addition to the standard state sales tax) and allow local governments to establish an additional local sales tax of up to 2%. [Medical marijuana will NOT be subject to these additional taxes.]
“Our goal is to take marijuana out of the underground market and start controlling sales similarly to how we control alcohol sales,” Luzier said. “Marijuana should be produced and sold by licensed, taxpaying businesses, not by cartels and criminals. If Massachusetts can successfully regulate and tax alcohol, it can successfully regulate and tax a less harmful substance like marijuana.”
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The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol is supporting a 2016 statewide ballot initiative to end marijuana prohibition in Massachusetts. For more information, visit