The CNBC financial network banner summed it up: “Potphoria on Wall Street.” Investable cannabis stocks, especially Canada’s Tilray (symbol TLRY) and Canopy Growth Corporation (symbol CGC) are seeing wild jumps in value in a frenzy compared to 2017’s Bitcoin tumult. Such action is big news on Wall Street and in […]

Florida Sidesteps Medicinal Marijuana Progression
By Annie Loupy If you are a medical marijuana patient in Florida, you are familiar with the long and complicated history of cannabis legalization. The law is vague and restrictive causing backups, delays and inconvenient challenges. In 2016, Florida voters flooded the polls to allow legal medicinal use of marijuana. […]

Secretary of Health Rejects Medical Marijuana
It is 2018 and the Secretary of Health and Human Services is saying, “There really is no such thing as medical marijuana.” Alex Azar, the new Secretary (previously held by Tom Price who resigned in disgrace for improper spending) formerly served as a pharmaceutical exec and a pharma lobbyist. He […]

Trump Tramples Israeli Cannabis Exports
In a troubling move, US President Donald Trump has nixed Israel’s medical cannabis export hopes. Israel has long been a leader in medical cannabis research and now stands poised to serve a huge export market. Yet this market will remain unserved and global medical cannabis production discouraged, as Prime Minister […]

US Attorney Providing Price Support for Oregon Cannabis
The state of Oregon has been producing high-quality cannabis for decades. The climate, especially in the southwest corner of the state, is nearly perfect for the plant’s needs and the state’s progressive cultural climate supported people experimenting with marijuana cultivation. Now, with full adult use legalization, prices have dropped substantially. […]

Trump Doubles Down on Enforcing Federal Marijuana Law
The first shoe to drop was the announcement that, as predicted here, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ripped up the Cole Memo protecting state legal marijuana operations. The second shoe dropped when asked about this radical change, White House Spokesperson Sarah Sanders asserted, “We have to enforce federal law.” The […]

Cannabis Congress: Tulsi Gabbard is a Great Friend of Legalization
Tulsi Gabbard legislates for Hawaii’s 2nd District in the House of Representatives. In Congress, she has proven to be an outspoken supporter of cannabis rights on all fronts and introduced a current proposal to completely deschedule marijuana. She will be speaking at the upcoming International Cannabis Business Conference in Kauai, […]

Cannabis Fund PAC Now Online
Congressman Earl Blumenauer’s Cannabis Fund political action committee is up and accepting donations. This is a great opportunity to directly fund messages and candidates against cannabigots and marijuana prohibitionists. The photo shows an early project targeting anti-marijuana, anti-veteran congressman Pete Sessions. Such messages should appear on a massive scale. But, […]

Can Jeff Sessions Wreak RICO Ruin on America’s Cannabis Industry?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions remains a sworn enemy of all things marijuana. Alarmingly, a half-century-old law may now give him the power to soon devastate medical marijuana and thriving American marijuana businesses. The 1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) was designed to attack organized crime, the mafia. Since […]

Oregon Marijuana Business Conference Prices Increase at Midnight
The marijuana business in Oregon is going through rapid changes, including a December 1st deadline where all growers must declare whether they are producing products for the medical or recreational markets. For growers wanting to be in compliance with ever-changing rules, Oregon Marijuana Business Conference (OMBC) is your best resource […]

Deadline Approaches in Oregon as the Fight for Good Cannabis Laws Continues
Ask any patient or medical cannabis grower in Oregon, and they will agree – navigating the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) is a bugaboo. Now, the governing body over OMMP, Oregon Health Authority (OHA), has notified all medical growers in the state of impending changes in compliance and reporting, including […]

The Oregon Medical Marijuana Program Survives but Needs Improvements
“The OMMP is dead.” “Wrong. Long live the OMMP!” If you are a member of the Oregon cannabis community, you have most likely heard people say, or post on social media, that the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) is dead. While some unnecessary laws and regulations have hurt the ability […]

Oregon Cannabis Revenue Disburses $85 Million for Government Services
Schools, police, public health and safety officials and local government administrators in Oregon are all smiling big this week. Noelle Crombie of The Oregonian reported that the Oregon Department of Revenue will be disbursing a weighty sum for a number of important state programs this week – $85 million – […]

Legalization Supporting NYC Mayoral Candidate Goes “Homeless”
I didn’t know what to expect when interviewing New York City mayoral candidate Mike Tolkin. Some third-party candidates can be very eccentric and New York has had it’s fair share; it is home to the Rent is Too Damn High Party after all. After talking to Mr. Tolkin, I can […]

California Announces Cannabis Advisory Committee
The California Department of Consumer Affairs has announced a total of 22 appointments to a new committee created under the State’s Bureau of Cannabis Control. The committee will assist in the development of rules and regulations for the 2018 roll-out of a legal adult-use cannabis market in the Golden State, […]