Reiter’s Syndrome and Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana has proved it can help patients with a multitude of medical conditions and Reiter’s Syndrome is no different.
As many as 75% of people who have Reiter’s Syndrome have tested positive for the hereditary marker HLA-B27. For this reason, many scientists believe this condition is possibly a result of the genetic preposition.
Patients who suffer from Reiter’s Syndrome tend to get the illness as a reaction to a bacterial infection. You will also hear this called reactive arthritis. It mostly affects the genitals, urinary tract, and intestines, as well as the eyes, skin, and joints.
The illness affects various organs in the body and will not always appear at once. Those affected may experience the symptoms in different ways, with them sometimes occurring slowly or fast and intense. It can be quite unpredictable.
What is the reason some contract Reiter’s Syndrome?
Those most likely to get Reiter’s Syndrome are sexually active men between the ages of 20 – 40 who have already contracted Chlamydia. If you have HIV, then you have a greater chance of getting it. Issues with the intestines such as Salmonella, Yersinia, Campylobacter bacteria and Shigella will also produce the illness. The only way to avoid Reiter’s Syndrome is by making sure you use condoms during sex. There are no other preventative measures.
Three Main Aspects of Reiter’s Syndrome
- Genitourinary tract
- Arthritis
- Conjunctivitis
Certain patients may also get lesions on their skin and mucous membranes.
Reiter’s Syndrome is generally contracted through sexual contact, and while it has no symptoms, it can cause the genitals to produce a liquid discharge. Another side effect is bowel bacteria making you have diarrhea. Medical marijuana is quite helpful in alleviating the daily pain and discomfort patients experience with the syndrome. The pain involved with Reiter’s Syndrome can limit daily activities, and NSAIDs are often used to lessen the pain and inflammation. While NSAIDs work well at times, they are known to damage the internal organs and cause diarrhea, dependency, and nausea. The side effects are enough to deter most people. This is why medical marijuana has become a more viable option for relief.
Marijuana is an immune system modulator as well as an anti-inflammatory drug. Cannabis contains cannabidiol which reduces the immune response, lessens inflammation and morning stiffness and also enhances mobility. THC becomes CT-3 once it metabolizes. CT-3 has analgesic effects. And since ajulemic acid decreases both tissue and joint problems, marijuana keeps people from needing to take NSAIDs as much. According to research, medical marijuana combined with NSAIDs produces good results for patients with Reiter’s syndrome. When marijuana is mixed with drug-based pain medications, it alleviates the pain and discomfort even more.
DISCLAIMER: The many benefits of medical marijuana is not a reason to throw out what the doctor ordered. Always see a physician before starting any form of medication.
Reiter’s Syndrome and Medical Marijuana
Reiter’s syndrome causes such severe pain and NSAIDs just aren’t enough to provide the necessary relief. Medical marijuana comes highly recommended due to its long stand record for relieving pain. As a result, many patients are choosing medical marijuana as a means to cope with Reiter’s Syndrome.
Robert Bergman has been on a quest for over 20 years to breed the best cannabis seeds in the world. In this journey, he accumulated a wealth of knowledge growing buds that he now shares with the world through Bergman’s Lab and Ilovegrowingmarijuana.com in order for the public to get the most out of their marijuana plants.